Taking Ownership in Learning

As children, we are like a sponge. We take in everything that comes our way, and we yearn for knowledge. I am sure the parents among have heard your children ask “WHY?” more time than you can count. 

As teenagers and young adults, we are used to learning with the pressure of exams that hold us accountable for our learning progress.

As learning adults, the motivation for learning is less straight forward. Piles of work might distract us from making sure we learn and apply what we learnt. 

Learning new skills and improving competencies is critical for adults who want to stay relevant in today’s VUCA world. Merely attending workshops and leaving it to the facilitator to bring about learning is not enough, however. As adults, we need to take ownership of our learning. 

We need to… 

  • Be clear about our goals, values and needs; 
  • Ensure we are motivated and self-directed in our learning
  • Learn from our experiences 
  • And transfer our learning back to the workplace

Whatever we learn as adults is an investment into our future selves. We need to hold ourselves accountable and own our learning. 

What can you change in your approach to learning that will enable you to take ownership of it?

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